Escambia Baptist Association

Ecuador Mission Partnership

Our Missionaries
Johnny and Donna Maust are our missionaries in Ecuador. Johnny grew up in Opp, Alabama and Donna is from Louisiana. They have been working in Ecuador through our Southern Baptist International Mission Board for over 15 years. They live in Rioverde, Ecuador which is on the Pacific Coast, just a five-minute drive from where they work.
Our Place of Ministry
Rocafuerte is the town where we are working. Jobs related to fishing provides the major support for people who live there. Alan Thompson, one of our team members, sits on a boat that is used to fish on the beach right next to the town.

Our People
We reach out to everyone in our community and other communities near ours. Afro-Ecuadorians are an unreached people group in the Esmeraldas Province. It is estimated that less than 2% or the people there are evangelical Christians. This is our target group. Pictured are two of our team members with a group of children who live in Rocafuerte.
Our Trips
Below are some videos from our trips. Our teams post daily updates on our Facebook Page during mission trips.
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Mission Trip Ecuador 2017